The Umayyad dynasty, started after the death of the fourth caliph. The Umayyad dynasty comes from a long line of members of the Umayyad clan from Quraysh. Mu’awiyya was the first ruler of the Umayyad dynasty and he started an illegitimate kingship. He and his family members claimed to be imams of guidance, and the salvation for Muslims. There first downfall was the rule of the third caliph Uthman. He granted himself more power than the other caliphs and he had private interests at the expense of public welfare, in other words he took money from the Muslims and the soldiers and kept it for himself. The Umayyad clan claimed that they had a right to rule because the legitimacy of Uthman because he was unlawfully murdered before his rule ended. They argued that they should inherit his position as an Imam of guidance because they were his family. They also believed in determinism which meant that if they have power, then they deserve it. They also argued that their success meant that God was on their side and there is no role for human action to interfere with God’s will, which they thought was their predestination. The Umayyad Empire started with Mu’awiyya who had a very strong local power base and an army in Syria, that he had built fighting the Byzantine Empire.
Before the Umayyad dynasty started there was the fourth caliph Ali who set to remove Uthman’s appointees from their posts and assign his own members. Mu’awiyya the governor of Syria and the cousin of Uthman had challenged Ali and called for the punishment of his killers. He was not to be dismissed easily he made many claims against the murders of his cousin Uthman. Mu‘awiyya refused to acknowledge the Caliph Ali and then demanded the punishment of all the murders of Uthman. Ali had stood neutral like many other Quraysh notables in Medina in regard to the rebellion against Uthman, because he believed that Uthman had it coming. Ali needed to force Mu‘awiyya to