ANNUAL examINATION 2012-13 subject – MATH class iii
Note: Attempt all the sections –
Section “A”
1- Choose the correct number -
(a) Eight thousands one hundred one i- 8011 ii- 8111 iii- 8101
(b) Ten Thousand four i- 104 ii- 10004 iii- 1004
(c) Two lakh two hundred two i- 20022 ii- 20202 iii- 101001
2- The Table of 1 2
Section “B”
1- Add the following - i- Rs. P ii- Rs. P 8 37 122 35 + 5 35 + 101 15
2- Subtract the following i- Rs. P ii- Rs. P 500 00 215 36 - 401 45 - 43 64
3- Multiply the Following - i- 78 x 30 ii- 36 x 50 iii- 56 x 18 iv- 245 x 36
4- Divide the following - i- 7827 ÷ 8 ii- 452 ÷ 3 iii- 352 ÷ 5 iv- 346 ÷ 6
Section “C”
1- A Milkman sells 1540 litres of milk in a one week. How much milk does he sell in one days ? 2- 6 balls can be held in a box . How many boxes will be required to hold 6618 such balls ? 3- Tables of 5 and 6
Ganga Prasad Memorial public school – gumthal
ANNUAL examINATION 2012-13 subject – Computer class iii
Note: Attempt all the questions –
Q1- Answer the following question – (any Five) 1- What is a Program ? 2- What is the use of dicision box a flow chart ? 3- How many types of data are there ? 4- What is numeric data ? 5- A computer is useful for doctors. How ? 6- What are the uses of computer in offices ?
Q2- Fill in the blanks – (boxes, terminal box, Devisioin, Processing) 1- A …………… is used to indicate start and stop . 2- Different types of …… are used for making flow chart . 3- is a ………………….box 4- is a ……………. box .
Q3- Write the (True and False) Statements . 1- We can draw only figures using LOGO language. [ ] 2- PN is the short of Print [ ] 3- Addition and Substration can not be done is LOGO[ ] 4- We can Print