The line ends mark usual pause and unusual reflection. The tone is of a hesitant child confessing his mistake. The justification is very typically childlike and interesting: the speaker says that he ate plums “because” they were cool and delicious. Even the title has to be a part of it. “This” may mean a ‘note’ left on the table, or it may also confess his guilt for everyone through ‘this’ poem. The dramatic situation clarified by a few words is also notable. The poem is amazingly simple in diction. Only the thought-provoking truth makes it short of being a child’s
The line ends mark usual pause and unusual reflection. The tone is of a hesitant child confessing his mistake. The justification is very typically childlike and interesting: the speaker says that he ate plums “because” they were cool and delicious. Even the title has to be a part of it. “This” may mean a ‘note’ left on the table, or it may also confess his guilt for everyone through ‘this’ poem. The dramatic situation clarified by a few words is also notable. The poem is amazingly simple in diction. Only the thought-provoking truth makes it short of being a child’s