The need to understand and use a variety of mathematical strategies in multiple contextual situations has never been greater. Utilization of mathematics continues to increase in all aspects of everyday life, as a part of cultural heritage, in the workplace, and in scientific and technical communities. Today’s changing world will offer enhanced opportunities and options for those who thoroughly understand mathematics.
Mathematics is an integral part of our daily life. Processes and interactions in all life forms and in the environment are mathematics in nature. Mathematics is a logical study of quantity, form, arrangements and magnitudes whether in the abstract, pre mathematics or in their practical connection. Studying mathematics is not that easy, you need to be familiarized with those symbols used in manipulating equations and you also need to be patient to get the correct answer. Sometimes you need some good background about numbers. The primary function of mathematics in life is to give meaning to something that words cannot just easily describe, lie in measurement, it involves number, to give exact measurement, you just need to say “one hundred eighty pounds” than to say “heavy” to give the exact measure and to differentiate height, weight or even temperature precisely, knowing how much money you have by counting it is also the use of mathematics. College life is a more advanced experience in terms of the academic task and responsibilities. Perseverance and independence are the main requirements to make it to the end of the year of hard work. To be successful, you need to master a number of facts, acquire useful skills. And gain keen insights and desirable values. You need to know how and where to obtain additional facts or knowledge promptly, easily, correctly, accurately, and authoritatively. Performance is necessary in doing many things and to attain goals. It is one thing that must be
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