Both poems are in first person narration which helps lend a higher degree of credibility to the description of the intimate details and emotions. While the poems are in first person, the tone of both poems is far from the same. In Lord Byron 's the narrator is a man who is ashamed and sad. He is ashamed for the love affair between him and the woman he speaks of: "I hear thy name spoken, / And share in the shame"(15-16). The man knows what he did was morally wrong and hearing the woman 's name only reminds him of his wrong doings with her. When the two parted their ways the man is overcome with grief: "When we two parted / In silence and tears, / Half broken-hearted" (1-3). The man is left crying because she has left him; he truly loved her and the loss of her is breaking his heart. Most men wouldn 't let themselves show this emotion when their love affair has ended.
In Hardy 's poem the narrator is a woman who is very easy going and it has a light tone towards the beginning but a heavy tone towards the end. The woman does a lot of traveling and stops at various inns along the way:
We jaunted on,-
My fancy-man, and jeering John,
And Mother Lee, and I.
And, as the sun drew down to west,
We climbed the toilsome Poldon crest,
And saw, of landskip sights the best,
The inn that beamed thereby. (9-16)
She has no cares in the world which allows her to travel from one place to another with