In the first and last paragraphs of the declaration the authors establish their ethical standing through the use of ethos. Jefferson uses ethos mainly to appeal to the citizens of the United States. He references to “the Laws of Nature” and “God” multiple times to show the common foundation of which the colonists believe in. One instance in which he mentions religion is the statement, “that they are endowed by their Creator.” Jefferson creates a deep bond between the citizen’s and author’s common religious beliefs. The authors point out to the colonists, “Our …show more content…
Jefferson uses words such as “oppression,” “injury,” and “abuse” to describe what the British government has done to them. The authors create a feeling of betrayal by using these words, thus pushing the people to accept the separation. There are many cases shown in this article where the King acted without the people’s consent or against the people’s belief. Stating these incidences gained trust that a new government set up by the people and for the people would be more prosperous. Thomas Jefferson shows that the best option for the people of America is to overthrow the government by using