
Thomas Kengal Nobility

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Thomas Kengal Nobility
The essence of nobility possessed by a King, Queen, and Knight is possible one of the most crucial attributes of significant figures during the era of Sir Thomas Malory. Malory himself was ostensibly a member of nobility, and originally one of his own inspirations to become an author. However, as noble as he was Mallory himself was accused of various crimes ranging from ambush to rape during his life, he died in jail. The nobility in Sir Thomas Malory’s time was a characteristic of superiority and authority, much like in the tales Mallory transcribed Nobility in Mallory’s era was more of a way of life, rather than a quality of character. The stated modern dictionary definition of nobility would be that of; “The state or quality of being exalted …show more content…

Primarily his most legendry and successful accomplishment in his lifetime would be that of the “Story of King Author”. Mallory displayed the ripe characteristic of nobility time and time again throughout his book, through his protagonist, to the holy mission he would complete of finding the Holy Grail. King Author; who was obliviously the protagonist of the story, displayed powerful acts of nobility throughout the tale, such as King Arthur’s formation of the Round Table. The creation of the Round Table presented untold amounts of nobility as no single figure could sit at the head of the table. In King Arthur’s eyes everyone sitting at the round table was equal. This displays an almost perfect example of Arthurs (and Mallory’s) powerful …show more content…

Sir Launcelot was one of the most highly held and honored knights of the round table and would play a major role in the life of king Arthur and the Knights of the round table. In one of Launcelot most early careers he is forced to encounter the Dolorous Guard, in Launcelot quest he must first battle and defeat ten knights at the first tower. As he precedes Sir Launcelot is encountered with another ten knights at the seconds tower, he cunningly and swiftly defeats them all. Launcelot is then faced with but one task; to defeat the copper knight at the third tower. However as Launcelot approaches he learns that the copper knight has fled in terror, and he is now the King and lord of the Dolorous Guard. Upon this quest the Sir Launcelot completed, it was an excellent example of nobility portrayed in Sir Tomas Mallory’s stories, and of how the real knights in Mallory’s time displayed noble actions. For a Knight to be noble, he must hold a strong persistence characteristic, such as the characteristic portrayed by that of sir Launcelot in his quest. Most likely the task and orders given to a knight by his king and lord are not going to be of an easy nature. So if a Knight of a lord is to be noble they must do the actions requested of them, even if it is a difficult mission that requires much

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