Its our destiny predetermines? Do we have a choice? Did we ever have a choice? According to Thomas nagel on his book “what does it all mean?” There is a specific chapter dedicated to “Free will” in which nagel himself lays out a situation about the choice of a peach and a chocolate cake piece. He’s describing the situation and the dilemma between both choices. despite the fact that you thought you had a choice, that you could have the peach if you want but you made the decision that you’d rather have a piece of chocolate when it was determined all along that you in fact were going to have chocolate cake and not have the peach. It doesn’t matter how long it took …show more content…
In this case he asks several questions as he proceeds to respond to them by setting examples. Nagel makes the readers ponder about caring about life in general stating that we are all going to die one day and the human race will vanish one day therefore all the struggles and success were for nothing. we already have a routine we work to earn money, to afford food, we eat when we get hungry and sleep when we are sleepy. Nagel states that despite the fact that we do these things either because its necessary or to make ourselves happy there is no true set meaning to each individual's life. he implies that our lives might just be meaningless and yes we have our family and friends that care for us but other than that it will never matter that you existed all the goals you’ve set for yourself, all the defeats, the let downs and all the achievements. In other words, their life as a whole doesn’t matter because those people care about you because they are in your life and vice versa therefore it was a meaningless life however he then invalidates this statement by arguing that if you were put into this earth, if anyone was put in this earth then you matter. There is a meaning to your life, you are not just a waste of oxygen. The point of it is that you were placed here for a reason, there is a purpose for it all and just live as you