The existence of multiple cultures and religions in discord has been seen throughout this country's history. Paine acknowledges that "it would appear that the union of such a people was impracticable" and in a since, it is. While most people are able to coexist peacefully, it is clear that this is not always the case. After 9-11, Muslims became the target of racial and religious discrimination; not by the government, but by the people. However, if a government is to be considered "just", it has a duty to protect its citizens.
The image of a perfectly balanced country that Paine creates is drastically different from today’s reality. He wrote that in a country created like America, "the poor are not oppressed, the rich are not privileged". Contrary evidence in the past few years suggests otherwise. While no person was left completely unaffected by the recent economic recession, the wealthy are indeed continuing to live a "privileged" lifestyle. The poorer citizens are not oppressed by the government, but by the situation that the government refuses to remedy.
As seen through these events in our country’s history, America does not exist in complete "cordial union" as Thomas Paine suggests. What is important though, is that the contrasting ideas in this country are what encourage change. Our government, though never completely fair, was created to allow us freedom to change.