Originally, California was an idolized state as the agriculture, diversity in regions, and diversity in people made it an attractive and financially beneficial place to be. Now California has one of the highest living costs, poor employment rates, low education scores, and a lack of quality public facilities. One of the causes, according to the article "The Fourth Branch of Government," is Governor Hiram Johnson's implementation of a more direct state democracy with referendum, initiative, and recall. The article explains how initiatives are more powerful and dangerous than referendums, which I partly agree with. Then it discusses how direct and indirect initiative differs as well as their consequences, which are true, and how the problems…
These are the times that try men’ssouls. ”This was a quote from Thomas Paine and it was a horrifically true one. There were many things that could drive a man to his knees from the absolute lack of independence, leading to the Revolutionary War. There were the Navigation Acts of 1660, he French and Indian War, Pontiacs Rebellion and The Proclamation of 1763, the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, the Declaratory Act, the Townshend Act, the Boston Massacre and Tea Party, and lastly the Intolerable Acts.…
Not only does he make the claim that government is inherently evil, he also backs this up with a biblical reference, and “Monarchy is ranked in scripture as one of the sins of the Jews, for which a curse in reserve is denounced against them The history of that transaction is worth attending to.” (Paine pg. 12) This basically tells the audience that the monarchy is a biblical dilemma; this is a call to action to the Christian Americans of the time.…
Some synonyms of the word ‘government’ include: ‘authority’, ‘regime’, and ‘leadership’. Now simply replace those words with: ‘manipulative’, ‘prejudicial’, and ‘corrupt’ and there lies the Thoreau’s startling precept about our government. In Henry Thoreau’s From Civil Disobedience, modern government and its regime are questioned— highlighting its inherent ineffective praxis. Though flaws in the government systems are alluded to, Thoreau declares that he is not in favour of the government being eradicated per say, just improved. Society however, are called to realize that—even if the government is deemed ‘better’— there are ‘congenital’ defects of such an omnipresent and invasive authoritative body. Thoreau brilliantly uses diction, tone,…
In Thomas Paine's "Rights of Man", Paine characterizes America through its government, in which if just, will result in the retirement of difficulties. Although posed in Paine's time, the extent to Paine's characterization still holds true today.…
"Common sense" was one of the most important pieces of literature in early America because it was extremely influential to many people throughout al of the American colonies. The colonist came to America to escape religious boundaries, so they could worship God freely. Thomas Paine uses this to his advantage by using scriptural quotes, pathos, to convinces his audience that it is common sense for the colonists to break completely with Great Britain. He says that a monarchy is terrible, and to have a king is not only an unsuccessful way to rule a nation, but it is also a sin. Paine undermines the king in his writing by using rhetorical devices to help destroy America's loyalty to the…
“These are times that try men’s souls.” This quote is one of the most famous in American history, written by the illustrious Thomas Paine. This quote is from one of his most famous pamphlets, "The American Crisis". This quote is only the beginning of the lasting impact Thomas Paine has made on not only the U.S, but on the entire world. He truly is the most effective leader.…
Paine claims that the only end for a government or any kind of political association is to serve the people. This service that the government gives the people is national security, and protection of liberty, property and against any oppression. According to Paine, these are the only roles that a government should take. I thought that this particular point by Paine was especially interesting given today's modern thought by some that we need a bigger government that has more control of things. When the founding fathers formed this country, they intentionally made the government as small as possible so as not to infringe on human…
The purpose of the government is to protect the citizens from bad things. Another purpose of it is that the government gives laws and set the limits of power by separating them. Another purpose would be is that the government would also be in control of what goes on. The last purpose it gives or shows is that protects everybody form the bad things. That's the purpose of the government.…
Business can be better led with whatever remains of Europe, however simply after America gets to be clearly self-ruled. Paine in the same way states strongly that if the Settlements keep in place connected to Britain, like issues that have came out of in the past will come out of later on. Paine contends that it is important to look for freedom now, in connection with do generally would just quickly keep secret issues that will definitely reemerge. Paine even proposes the sort of government that the free states have to let into one's house. His suggestion is for a representative greater number or part rules system that gives generally measure up to weight to each of the states. Paine makes clear why the present time is a quite good time to break free of Britain. Fundamentally, Paine gets, comes together at one point on the present size of the field of interest, and on their present powers. Paine in addition contends that America is adequately little in connection with be joined at this point. If time some-how happened to way, and the number of inhabitants in the states to undergo growth, a like feeling acting together would not be ready. Thomas Paine opens the book with a general rant about the…
Thomas Paine was a well known supporter of American Independence in England. America consists of the variety of religions, races, languages, and cultures. It can be concluded that it is essentially difficult for individuals to essentially assimilate and form a sense of unity. It has the ability to cause disruptions among each other as a result from the interactions of the differences. Paine presents his argument in, Rights of Man that a simple establishment of government will ultimately diminish the issues and furthermore create an equal justification. It is critical that the government overall creates unification between individuals and enforces appropriate laws; however, Paine’s characterizations does not hold accountability in portraying…
In Rights of Man written by Thomas Paine, Paine characterizes America as a union of people from many different nations speaking many different languages with no straightforward judgements against those who are poor and those who are rich. I wholeheartedly find myself believing Paine’s characterization of America.…
Paine presented multiple arguments in his pamphlet, Common Sense. One of his arguments that stood out to me the most is that regarding the monarchy and hereditary succession. Paine describes how nobody chooses to live poorly and cannot choose the status of their descendants and the importance and idea of equality. He describes the difference between Kinds and subjects as being unnecessary and unethical. Everyone is equal at creation. People of the colonies could relate to this on a religious aspect as well, because the Bible supports his statements. Paine supported the beliefs of freedom of property to all men and freedom on religion. Paine also discussed America and the relationship with Great-Britain. Paine stated that America had become dependent on Great-Brittan and that success and happiness should not be reliant on another country. He wrote that Great-Britain had nobody’s interest in mind but their own. Paine also pointed out the unnecessary quarrels with other countries such as France and Spain, due to the fact that we were involved with Great-Britain and pictured them as the parent country. He introduced the idea of having each colony be independent and have representatives chosen by the people.…
The historical documents of the eighteenth century are examples of the literary movement of Neo-Classicism and its characteristics which are evidenced in this century’s writer's’ works. These characteristics are sometimes found in abundant quantities or limited amounts in each of this period’s documents: logic / reason, symmetry / balance, and lucidity / clarity. Each document of this historical period was influenced by the Neoclassical characteristics which were considered significant in the rhetorical and compositional expression of that age. So, too, did each of the writers’ documents present a unique study about the author’s intentions for his creating his work. In Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense, the author's idea of personal equality,…
Abraham Lincoln was a very effective leader throughout the Civil War. Although he had no prior military experience, he proved to be an asset throughout the war. According to his contemporary critics, Abraham Lincoln's Presidential record was notable for his despotic use of power and his blatant disregard for the Constitution. Lincoln ordered thousands of arrests, kept political enemies in prison without bringing charges against them, refused these hapless men their right to trial by a jury of their peers, and ignored orders from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to release them. In his first few months in office he made the most direct violations of the Constitution in the Nation's history. He increased the size of the Regular Army without Congressional approval, spent money without Congressional authorization, suspended the writ of habeas corpus without authority and generally acted as if he had never heard of the other two branches of the government. He threw out the Constitution and retained popular appeal of the masses.…