“These are times that try men’s souls.” This quote is one of the most famous in American history, written by the illustrious Thomas Paine. This quote is from one of his most famous pamphlets, "The American Crisis". This quote is only the beginning of the lasting impact Thomas Paine has made on not only the U.S, but on the entire world. He truly is the most effective leader. Thomas Paine, as many of you know, has written many pamphlets. “Common Sense”, “The American Revolution”, and “Rights of Man", were probably his most famous because they showcased ideas that had never been said aloud. These pamphlets were his opinions about war, England, and most importantly, independence. All 3 of which, were …show more content…
Take Abraham Lincoln for example. He is considered to be a very important leader in history, due to his abolishing slavery. He openly and publicly admired Paine’s work and his intellect. Thomas Paine was ahead of his times, being one of the first known people to write that men should free their slaves, long before Lincoln or Susan B. Anthony ever could have. Does this mean that Abraham Lincoln did not in fact have the idea to free slaves himself? If so, without Paine, we might still hear the sounds of chains every morning when we wake up, and the groaning of our slaves at work. Some of us, might not even be getting a proper education right now, if it weren’t for Thomas Paine, who may have been the primary influence for the Emancipation Proclamation. Another example is George Washington. Most people would say that he is one of the greatest leaders America has ever seen, yet he even credited Paine as one of his inspirations. He read aloud a quote from Paine’s “The American Crisis” at Fort Sumter before battle. Washington also put in a good word for him, convincing Congress and the state of Pennsylvania to give Paine some money. U.S. leaders are not the only types of leaders inspired by Thomas Paine. Napoleon slept with a copy of “Rights of Man” under his pillow at night, and also strategized with him at one point about ways to defeat England. This shows that he was not only an