“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”, the saying goes. I have learned that it is next to beauty, too. Cleanliness has taught me self-discipline. I also associate it with beauty. It is difficult to keep things clean and in order in today's frenetic world. It takes effort and effort takes self-discipline, but when I walk around my home or wear clean and neat clothes I feel better about myself. It gives me a sense of order and I think it says something about me to people I meet or who come to my home. Beauty makes life bearable and I find it everywhere.
Humans by nature have a sense of beauty, love and hunger for beauty. This is the gift of the Creator. He not only has this, but it has provided endless opportunities to satisfy that hunger. Man's home, the Earth, has beautiful rivers and lakes, mountains and valleys, trees and flowers, there are birds, fish and strikingly beautiful beasts of the field. Superlative beauty is among humans themselves. However, especially among humans cleanliness is a factor in beauty. The human face is always interesting, often beautiful. The same is true of the hands and other body parts. But dirt can rob them of their beauty. Clothing, in addition to providing shelter and warmth, increases one's appearance but only if it is clean and tasteful.
My life has not been a cheerful one. I never use to clean my body properly and used to keep my thing for example text book, note copies, my gaming CD’s, my cricket ball, bat, football, my school bag and my coaching bags and etc. All of things were in a disorganized way. Only if my mother used to scold me at that time I used to organize my things. Each and every other day I was scolded just for this reason. Even I kept my lights and fans turned on. This was becoming a bad habit day by day.
The thing that has made it endurable has been the beauty I have found; the beauty in music has been life