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The obsessions or compulsions are time-consuming (e.g., take more than 1 hour per day) or cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Example: Maya’s obsessions and compulsions have made a drastic impact on her life. While in school she began missing large segments of classes due to her constant need to was her hands. She said, “Some days I spend most of my time just washing my hands.”…
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In society, most people have an obsession to some extent, these may include such things as a hobby collecting antiques; or even as simple as having to have things a certain way. For others though, obsession has a different meaning, they might become obsessed with one special object, or possibly attaining a certain goal. They might go about achieving this goal no matter what the consequences to others might be. Mordecai Richler's book the Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, illustrates one such case of obsession, the title character, Duddy Kravitz becomes obsessed with his grandfather's saying, " A man without land, is nothing.'", thus starting Duddy on his quest to attain a piece of land. Throughout his quest, Duddy has no regard for the feelings or the relationships he destroys in the process, weather it in his family relations, business relations, or even his personal relations to those that are closest to him.…
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Sometimes in relationships, there can be a certain obsession from one side. It can be…
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With the fundamental to life we all need food, water, and shelter maybe the necessities of life, but some may argue also love is needed to live a life we want. With some great home cooking with a little love in that food you can never be mad at anyone while eating this, but what happens when that food isn't available. Today, I researched what these civil war solders ate during this terrible time trying to steer this new nation in the their path. Some ate, plain things some barely ate anything starving to death, but really what was available at this desperate time?…
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So you watch a torrent amount of t.v.., get on your phone for a while, watch Netflix or play games which makes you feel less stressed from the day and it calms you down. It gets your mind focused on something other than your cause of the stress or the stress itself. When that happens everyday and you need the entertainment or technology to keep your mind off of the stress or stressor it becomes an addiction. It can be the same with drugs or alcohol also, for instance if you have one drink every once and a while because you have a bad day that isn’t an addiction but if you need the drink or substance in order to continue with your day. It is incomprehensible the amount of people that have an addiction but don’t realize…
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"Obsessed, or Obsession" means, according to Google is to" Preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a…
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People being addicted to something is not that bad in could be for a good reason for example a study addiction or a religious addiction. Addictions have been always around some of them are good most bad: like drugs and alcohol they are bad because they can ruin your life.…
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Characters with an obsession tend to segregate themselves from those around them, both physically and mentally. Isolation as a result of obsession aggravates the fixation because it creates an escape from one's important life issues, encourages insanity, and furthers the feeling that the obsession is normal or even beneficial.…
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Addiction is more of a psychological dependence. Addiction can make an individual feel a compulsion for a substance regardless of any negative consequences. While dependence is more of a physical need to use, an ongoing need to use psychoactive drugs. The tissues of the body actually require the presence of alcohol or other drugs to act and feel normally; and in return physically build a tolerance to the substance or substances. Ultimately the addiction aspect is more of a psychological need for a substance while dependence is both a physical and psychological need to use.…
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Per Stephen Morse addictions can be broken down into two models. The medical model and the moral model, or moral failure. In general, the medical model of addiction puts forth that the cause of addiction has a biological, neurological, genetic or environmental cause, and that the resulting behaviors are a symptom of the disease, while the moral model ascribes that those behaviors are due to a moral failure. “Although no uncontroversial definition of addiction exists and “addiction” and “addict” are not formal diagnostic terms, I shall use both for ease of exposition. Morse defines addiction phenomenologically – as do many researchers – “as persistently arising feelings of intense cravings to consume substances and attempting to seek and use…
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Addiction is a compulsive and irresistible craving for something. Someone who is hooked to something mentally believes that they are not able to function without what they are addicted to. Addiction is a mental, psychological chronic disease that leads to the dysfunction of the brain and causes one to abstain from their desire. Addiction comes in many forms, whether it is a video game addiction or a food addiction, they still cause harm to the human body which makes it dangerous and very serious problem in today’s world. The most common types of addiction are drug addictions and gambling addictions. Each represent different stories with different plots; however, they both have the same conflict of addiction.…
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There are a lot of things that people can be addicted to, but I am going to stick to one, which is alcohol. When addicted to something it’s when you are being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is expressively or physically habit forming, especially alcohol or narcotic drugs. There is different ways that people can go get help with something that they are dependent on, well in other words addicted to. You can get help in person, over the one, and even online.…
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Addiction is the fact or condition of being dependent upon a particular substance. The ripple effect caused by addiction not only affects its victims but also the loved ones and people close to them. As someone that has seen the disastrous effects addiction can cause for both parties, there isn't one specific path it can go.…
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Addiction refers to a chronic, relapsing condition characterised by compulsive repetition of substance use or a behaviour, increasing tolerance, and psychological and physical dependence. Addiction involves a compulsive psychological and physiological craving of a habit forming substance or any other rewarding behaviour like sex, gambling, medicine, food or religion.…
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Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her.…
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