Student ID: 17967325
Class Name: Hartog
Essay 2 Draft 2
There are many threats to global food supplies. Explain the problem, identify possible solutions and assess the effectiveness of these solutions.
In recent years, food security has become one of the most thorniest problems that the world faces.The population explosion and climate change had caused by food security. The essay will show that threats to global food supplies are on people’s health and ecosystems. It is also argued that managing crop productions and matching demand for food may have a beneficial effect on food security, while they also have some disadvantages.
The main threats of global food supplies are people’s health and ecosystems. Firstly, according to John Slaght(2012), approximately 3 billion people in less-developed countries are faced with insufficient food and nutrition. In contrast, about 2 billion people in economically countries are overweight. As a result of this unbalance distribution of the food, it is likely for the people of the latter to feel the most impact. Secondly, it is clearly seen drastic declines in bird species. Populations of ‘ specialist ’ bird species have fallen to 30% in 40 years in Europe and North America(Slaght,2012). For example, it is possible for birds to ingest the drug from other animals’ carcasses. In addition, it might cause the spread of human diseases. It is said that vultures had spread diseases that affect humans in India(Swan rt al., 2006). Thus, physical condition and ecosystems can be seen as the two main threats to global food supplies.
In addition,Slaght(2012) had claimed that the country which has temperate climate can manage crop production to boost yields of some crops. However, it has two negative effects. Primarily, climate change could put crops out of rhythm with the insects that pollinate them. Next, extreme weather events could damage the developing flowers which are fundamental to the crops.