The first thing to consider is that the three approaches believe is important that the therapists build a trusting relationship with their clients. However, the main different is that centred person therapy believes the relationship between the client and the counsellor is the most important aspect of the therapy to success. Therapist in the relationship only uses what is called the core conditions, congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy,which are necessary and sufficient for the client to heal themselves. By contrast in psychodinamic and behavioral therapist use additional techniques and methods
While in person centred therapist are non directive and believe the client is the best expert of theirselves. Psychodinamic and behavioural the therapist is the expert and lead the sessions. In spite of behavioural therapist teaches techniques , set homework and uses worksheets to lead the therapy.
Person centred and behavioural put emphasis on the client's current feelings and how they experience them in the here-and-now. Despite person centred considers the causes of the problems and behavioural doesn´t. While psychodinamic put emphasis in the unconscious motive and events that have happened in the past normally in childhood and affect the way their clients see the world. Explores and analyses the causes of the problems.
The main differences between the three approaches are in their theories. Behavioural theory believes that behaviour is 'learned' and, therefore, it can be unlearned. This is in contrast to the psychodynamic approach, which believe that behaviour is determined by instinctual drives. In person centred we behave as we do because of the way we