Life isn’t always a bouquet full of roses on a sunny day. In fact, it tends to mix in a little bit of rainy days and maybe even some dead leaves. This is what stress can do to a person’s life. It can take the best day and turn it into the absolute worst. People also spend so much time worrying and giving in to the pressure that they forget that stress can be completely absent from life if some effort is put forth. There are three different categories of great ways to reduce stress consisting of prevention, exercising, and spending time in fun environments with great people.
The first category is preventing stress before it even happens. There is one way by staying organized. This will help keep things in order so that when the time comes to get something done, everything is in one place and readily available resulting in a smooth process. Working ahead and choosing not to procrastinate can also prevent stress so that people are not racing against the …show more content…
An example is going on a trip to the beach and sitting in the sand listening to the waves crash. Just being with others who radiate positivity can help reduce the stress that comes with every day life. A great way that helps to get rid of stress is to talk about it. Escaping from it doesn’t always help long term. While with those close family and friends, talking about stress gets it out of the mind. It is no longer bundled up inside building up and waiting to explode. Fun trips and great people can help the “real world” fade away a little bit. These ways of reducing stress allows time to breath and relax without feeling like there is something else to be done. While the exercising category helps physically, these examples can allow a person to mentally feel better. Thoughts can be controlled to only focus on the good times that are happening right in that