Most, begin the journey of learning at school. Where knowledge is taught, and knowledge is learned. Then knowledge is studied. Listening to classical music helps people hold onto more information and study longer (Abel 2). If studied incorrectly or not studied enough, then grades will drop. However, in some cases that may not be true, there are some people out there that are just naturally smart and do not need to study. Some people learn differently than others do. Some learn auditorily, others visually, while there are people who learn kinesthetically. There may even be people who learn a different way. …show more content…
Learning auditorily is like hearing someone say something that helps people to better understand the information. Saying or hearing something being said out loud helps the person to memorize the main points of what is being said. Somethings that might help the person to better learn is listening to things over and over again. Another thing is working in study groups or with other people who learn auditorily, or just repeating things out loud .
Visual learning is remembering things better after seeing them. Like if something is written down then visual learners can remember it better. Also visual learners can learn better from a lecture or lesson by seeing it, and watching what is going on while the information is being said. Visual learners also read body language. Somethings that might help visual learners learn better is doing things like using flash cards. Another thing is using charts and maps or any other pictures to help form a better understanding of the