Discipline, like guidance, should be predictable for children using undesirable behavior. Every action has a corresponding…
society and act compliant in it as well. It is interesting to observe the different methods of parents in…
Culture- Children with different culture backround will be influenced by several factors. Such as religion belief,/families. E.g. childrens beliefs may course emotional comflict when they want to partisipate in some physical activities which go against their families religious beliefs.…
2. Discipline is teaching your child by showing them what they did wrong and how t fix what they did so they don’t do it a next time. It is not punishing for what they and not saying what they did wrong.…
Our ancient educational system believed in enforcing discipline by force. They used to say, if you spare the rod you will spoil the child. But that view is not correct. It will produce only negative results. That is why discipline has taken a new shape in schools and colleges now. It is call self-discipline. It is discipline by acceptance, not by imposition.…
Another way of describing discipline is child rearing. “Ordinarily, we think of “child rearing” as referring to the specific techniques parents use in trying to…
As the child gets older i.e. around two years old the relationship as parents begins to change they start educating their children through discipline etc. When setting boundaries for discipline rules are implemented. The rules provide children with the freedom to express themselves within certain boundaries enabling them to learn and develop effectively.…
The excerpt “Three Kinds of Discipline” from John Holt’s book “Freedom and Beyond” give the reader some fine points on the different disciplines needed by a young person to learn certain tasks and be successful.…
In the world where we live in social influence plays a huge role. As humans we learn things from various resources such as society, observation, television role models and also imitating others the idea of this theory was as humans we pick up things from our interactions with others and we learn this from our environment “ A persisting change in human performance or performance potential as a result of the learner’s interaction with the environment” (Driscoll, 1994, pp. 8-9). in the present society, there are many interests on how social influences can effect on children and their and morality. The main concept of learning behavior is through environment. (Hoffman, 1993)…
child’s behavior. In most cases kids to seem to mirror their parents behavior in which it…
Learning organizations are possible because, deep down, we are all learners. No one has to teach an infant to learn.…
The theory of discipline has been debated for decades. Arguments over how it should be carried out and how harsh it should be has been discussed. One aspect of discipline has been shoved into the dark, the effect on the child. No matter how much it is spoken of children remember what happened to them in their childhood. Whether they were pleasant or not can lead to problems later in life. One debate that shall soon be settled deals with the spanking of children.…
Children and adults can be contrasted in how they act and the way they physically respond to situations. Children have been seen to act in a free manner, worrying mostly about them, over time learning to consider other’s views and feelings when completing an action. This is because children have not gone in the real world all by themselves. There is a lot of pressure on adults to conform to act in a certain way, as there is for children, but only adults feel this pressure. With experience and time as children reach adulthood they understand what is acceptable at what times and what is not.…
In this illustration we look at the family genogram of Juan and Elena Hernandez. Family has a different meaning to various people. For some family maybe mom, dad, and their siblings and to others it may be friends that are considered family. According to Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman “The family is the primary institution for the rearing and socializing of children” (pp, 552). This definition explicates that it is in the family where kids learn most of their socialization skills. Provided this information one can postulate the discipline strategy for children of Juan and Elena Hernandez was learned from how both Juan and Elena were raised. Given that both Juan and Elena were raised in the manner where the discipline tactic was let's say for lack of a better term “military style” it would be very common that they use the same tactics with their children. However, the vignette exposed due to the nature of their discipline tactics child…
3.- Other parents believe in being strict, but taken to extremes this can produce a too authoritarian atmosphere in the home, with the children being dominated and ruled by their parents. Parents can also be very possessive and try to keep their children dependent on them. These last two attitudes can encourage rebelliousness against parents, school, or, conversely, suppress a child's natural sense of adventure and curiosity.…