The three mechanisms by which disinfectants work are crosslinking, coagulating, clumping; structure and function disrupture; oxidiaing
Crosslinking, coagulating and clumping - Like many disinfectants alcohols are generally considered to be non-specific antimicrobials because of their mant toxic effects.Alcohols cause all proteins to clump and lose funcion. The alcohol must be diluted with water fir the greatest effect because proteins don't denature readily with straight alcohol.
Oxidizing - Chlorine is a very common disinfectant used in a wide variety of cleaning solutions and applications and - even water - because even in small amounts, it eibits fast bacterial action. …show more content…
Quats work by denuturing the protein of the bacterial or fungal cell, affecting the metabolic reaction of the cell and causing vital substances to leak out of the cell causing death. Which microbes are most susceptible versus most resistant to disinfectants? Why?Gram-positive cocci, including antibiotic-resistant staphylococci, are readily inactivated by disinfectants. Enterococci, including vancomycin-resistant strains, are also susceptible but somewhat less than staphylococci.
What are the factors that influence the size of the zone of inhibition of an antibiotic when employing the Kirby-Bauer method?
The size of the zone of inhibition is dependent on the difussion rate of the antibiotic, the degree of sensitivity of the microorganism, and the growth rate of the