The oldest of the three is Judaism. Founded by the first prophet Abraham, Judaism is a religion and an ethnicity. The Jewish people are descended from Abraham through his son Isaac and a fulfillment of Abraham’s covenant with God. The holy text of the Jews is called the Tanakh, which serves as a history and law book of the Jewish people. Unlike the Christians and Muslims, Jews are not only a religious sect; they are also an ethnic group.
The second oldest religion is a reform of Judaism lead by a man named Jesus. The basic dogma remains unchanged, one God. Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God and his sacrifice was a conduit between humans and God. However, Christians through the ages have disagreed about the nature of Jesus, some of these sects have faced persecution from other Christians because of this seeming minor deference. The Christian Bible includes the Old Testament of the Jews and adds the Gospels of Christ. While Jews refuse to acknowledge Jesus as a prophet; Muslims acknowledge …show more content…
Muhammad accepted the holy text of the Jews and the Christians, calling them people of the book. While Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet, they do not grant him divine status. Jesus was born of a virgin mother, however, no man can be God. Another striking difference between the people of the book and the Muslims is the sacrifice of Abraham. The Muslims believe that Ishmael was the son brought to the altar by Abraham. Ishmael fathered the line that would become the Arabs. Muslims accept the prophets of Judaism and Christianity, the same is not true for Islam. In fact, Muhammad presented Islam to the Jews expecting acceptance, yet, received rejection and