The first type is the hard determinist. The hard determinist believes that all actions are already determined from beforehand, which means we cannot control our actions. The hard determinist also believes that people do not have any moral responsibility; therefore, this type of belief there isn’t any rewards for doing something good or punishment for doing something bad since the individual couldn’t have acted differently this means the agent had no freedom. The next type of determinist is the soft determinist. Like the hard determinist, they believe that the individual couldn’t have acted (all actions are predetermined) differently but, the individual is held morally responsible. The soft determinist believes that the agent still has freedom if not constrained, in the situation of the bomb around your neck and you acted in harmony with your desire. The last philosophical view is libertarianism. The libertarianism believes that the agent could have acted differently, individuals do have freedom and they do hold complete moral responsibility. Ayer discusses moral responsibility by bringing an argument discussing hard determinism which is stated …show more content…
In this case Jones is held responsible.
Frankfurt says on a closing note “it is true that a person cannot responsible for what he did like we saw in Jones 1 because he could not have done otherwise. However, if it was something which he did wholeheartedly, something which he wanted to do then in that case we make him full responsible” (200). Richard Taylor who is a libertarian, discusses in “Freedom and Determinism”, due to the fact people can avoid certain behaviors, people are morally responsible for the actions that they commit. He tests the concept of determinism, with the data of experience. The data of experience means that people deliberate (consider an action) and that everything is up to the agent (he who decides to proceed with the action or not). Deliberation is not consistent with determinism because of a few reasons:
1. They can only deliberate about their own actions.
2. They can only deliberate about their actions in the future rather than the past or present since those actions are