In the movie “Through A Lens Darkly” shows the changes that black people went through in life. The way black people look when they’re portrayed was taken, the civil war, and reconstruction period. The history of black people was in family photo album from the 30’s and 50’s. The identity that the white people gave black people was miss represented. How black people look, the color of their skin, their lips, their nose, and their hair. They will look at us as a grease monkey or black monkeys. The portrait that they show was describing us as clowns with make on and lipstick. Because of the way we look the fed us to alligators. The media painting desorbing image for the black people. That is why some black was a shame of the way the look. The
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They look forward to stand before the camera as men. The soldier felt that the free the slaves and provide for themselves. The reconstruction period was the revolution period of American History of their lives. The black people try to reconstruct their lives and build their family in the 1860 ‘s and 70’s. Blacks have come a long way in life. Black was known as people property and now they’re in the Legislature. In that period it was a rebirth of the nation and could Afro American find their place in the American family album. D. W. Griffin present The Birth of a Nation. When D.W. Griffin show the ground breaking of the birth of the nation that he film it was disappointing. They felt that Afro American betray them and they acted less than a human. Then thing shift the Afro American became coward, lazy, and stupid. Then criminalizing of the black people start surfacing. When that happen they show all kind of criminal active that the black men take part in which was fake images on the black men by the media. Then the Goodridge brothers live in New York Pennsylvania start taking images on the black. Where the black eyes was focused on their heart. Then they show positive images on the black in a positive way for a
They look forward to stand before the camera as men. The soldier felt that the free the slaves and provide for themselves. The reconstruction period was the revolution period of American History of their lives. The black people try to reconstruct their lives and build their family in the 1860 ‘s and 70’s. Blacks have come a long way in life. Black was known as people property and now they’re in the Legislature. In that period it was a rebirth of the nation and could Afro American find their place in the American family album. D. W. Griffin present The Birth of a Nation. When D.W. Griffin show the ground breaking of the birth of the nation that he film it was disappointing. They felt that Afro American betray them and they acted less than a human. Then thing shift the Afro American became coward, lazy, and stupid. Then criminalizing of the black people start surfacing. When that happen they show all kind of criminal active that the black men take part in which was fake images on the black men by the media. Then the Goodridge brothers live in New York Pennsylvania start taking images on the black. Where the black eyes was focused on their heart. Then they show positive images on the black in a positive way for a