Griots are people that dedicated their time to travel around to different areas to orally tell stories, which helped, spread Africa’s tradition. It can be referenced throughout the story in which Griots play a key role in influencing the next steps in the lives of important people such as the King. Kings were known to request Griots to tell them orally their adventures and their experiences in other cities and areas to gain more knowledge about their land. Since Africa was so large this was an easier way to learn about other cities and what is currently going on, but since Griots travel so far and so much to tell their oral tales they were highly valued in the traditional African Society to spread their traveling tales. This was key in helping shape the political aspect of Africa’s history in regards to educating the kings and in a sense keeping them posted on the actions of others through oral
Griots are people that dedicated their time to travel around to different areas to orally tell stories, which helped, spread Africa’s tradition. It can be referenced throughout the story in which Griots play a key role in influencing the next steps in the lives of important people such as the King. Kings were known to request Griots to tell them orally their adventures and their experiences in other cities and areas to gain more knowledge about their land. Since Africa was so large this was an easier way to learn about other cities and what is currently going on, but since Griots travel so far and so much to tell their oral tales they were highly valued in the traditional African Society to spread their traveling tales. This was key in helping shape the political aspect of Africa’s history in regards to educating the kings and in a sense keeping them posted on the actions of others through oral