The origination mythology of both Oracles involves the conquest of a demonic chthonic deity for the appropriation of a superior god for the benefit of worshipers. Though the religious origins of both oracles are founded on shamanistic traditions (involving altered states of consciousness to intersect with the spirit world), both eventually came under the auspices of a temple, then under the religiopolitical state sponsorship of the Amphictyony consortium for Delphi and the Dalai Lama's regime for the Nechung. For both cases, the questions posed to the mediums had to be submitted to the priests before the ritual was …show more content…
Modern research of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, the Indo-Greek Kingdom, and Greco-Buddhism, which I have delineated, has demonstrated the intense cross-cultural interchange that occurred over a period of three centuries, when this region was ruled by the descendants of the Greek colonialists left behind by Alexander the Great. The achievements of the Bactrian Greeks were far reaching throughout Central Asia and research continues to elucidate clear evidence of a highly wealthy, sophisticated multi-lingual and multi-cultural urban