Tidal breathing is an automatic and unconscious act. During speech breathing, it is a voluntary act in which the speaker controls. Tidal breathing and speech breathing have different inhalation rates which one can solve using the iFraction method. The iFraction method is taking the amount of time it takes to inhale and dividing it by the total respiratory cycle. Tidal Breathing has a person inhaling around 0.45 seconds during a respiratory cycle, but speech breathing inhalation takes approximately 0.16 seconds. The inhalation of air when speaking is shorter because a person needs to exhale for a longer period of time to say long utterances. Inhalation of air for speech can vary depending how long the utterance is. For example, if a person is yelling at a crazy driver on the freeway, he will take a quick inspiration so he has enough energy to scream at the driver. If he still has unkind words to scream and is running out of air, he will inhale quickly again to finish his statement. Inhaling helps a person get the air he needs for speech, but when he exhales, air goes through the laryngeal cavity and the mouth to create the voice to
Tidal breathing is an automatic and unconscious act. During speech breathing, it is a voluntary act in which the speaker controls. Tidal breathing and speech breathing have different inhalation rates which one can solve using the iFraction method. The iFraction method is taking the amount of time it takes to inhale and dividing it by the total respiratory cycle. Tidal Breathing has a person inhaling around 0.45 seconds during a respiratory cycle, but speech breathing inhalation takes approximately 0.16 seconds. The inhalation of air when speaking is shorter because a person needs to exhale for a longer period of time to say long utterances. Inhalation of air for speech can vary depending how long the utterance is. For example, if a person is yelling at a crazy driver on the freeway, he will take a quick inspiration so he has enough energy to scream at the driver. If he still has unkind words to scream and is running out of air, he will inhale quickly again to finish his statement. Inhaling helps a person get the air he needs for speech, but when he exhales, air goes through the laryngeal cavity and the mouth to create the voice to