For example, if an ad tries to sell you a certain detergent it might tell you that it cleans and freshens up your clothing. However, to sell you the product, the advertiser put things that you feel positively about, next to the product. For example, they might put sunflowers, babies, and sunshine in a detergent ad.
That's one-way ads try to influence you into buying their products.
Another way advertisers use ads to affect people is using misrepresentation. For example Chevrolet's "Real People, Not Actors" ads. These ads are supposed to be "real", with "real" people reviewing cars, but the acting is way over the top and the public quickly realized it was fake. This caused the ads to backfire instead of giving Chevrolet more sales. These types of advertisements deceive and misrepresent the advertisement. It makes the public believe something is real, but in reality, it isn't.
The advertisers also use models for their ads. For example, a women's shampoo commercial might show an attractive, thin, beautiful female model smiling at the camera and holding a shampoo. Maybe for a shaving cream ad, they might have a tall, handsome, athletic man. These types of images might affect you subliminally. That, this is the type of body or figure you need to have. It sets up invisible standards in the viewer's