
Tiger Woods: Past Affairs, Present Decline, Future in Question

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Tiger Woods: Past Affairs, Present Decline, Future in Question
Tiger Woods: Past Affairs, Present Decline, Future in Question

The ambitions of Tiger Woods have both propelled him into a successful, star-studded athlete, but also into great emotional pain and negative publicity on the world stage. Woods’ success came at a very young age, excelling in the sport of golf, as he strived to improve his play through relentless ambition and exceptional commitment (Bissinger). After winning numerous titles on the PGA tour, he was seen by his supporters as an affable, friendly, and charming athlete whom was the perfect hero – unblemished by anything (Bissinger). As his successes became more and more evident due to his talents, his humbleness soon lost momentum. This was exemplified as Woods’ desires adjusted in a different direction when his numerous affairs were publicized in December of 2009, leading to the divorce with his wife. Woods’ saw how his victories built the foundation towards his self-centered outlook on the world; his ambition shaped his overwhelming confidence in his abilities to accomplish anything he put his mind towards (World Entertainment News Network). Furthermore, his true intentions clouded his vision and values – he lacked morality in his actions, and his ability to differentiate between right and wrong deteriorated over time. His pleasure-seeking desires shrouded the possible consequences to his actions and toyed with fantasized imaginations of his future. Woods was perceived as an honest character, and was commercialized to be the perfect role model to his fans, and they were left betrayed after knowing of his true cynicisms, which were seen as linked to “pop psychology” in which celebrities feel empowered to achieve their wants whether morally correct or not (Bissinger). This is often seen through their publicized uses of drugs and other various addictions as ambition has compromised their personal values and beliefs. In contrast, Woods had shown sincerity and emotional suffering after his scandals were

Cited: "WOODS BLAMES GOLF FOR AFFAIRS." World Entertainment News Network. 18 Nov. 2010. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. Gale Document Number: GALE|A242356467 Bissinger, Buzz. "Tiger Woods in Vanity Fair: Tiger in the Rough." 6 Jan. 2010.Gale Biography In Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. Gale Document Number: GALE|A215943939 "Insight Metaphors, Analogies and Similes." Metaphors, Analogies and Similes: Metaphor Book Free Online Figurative Language. Web. 13 Dec. 2011.

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