University of Phoenix Material
History of Community Nursing Matrix
Complete the matrix with the following concepts, and relate the concepts to two different periods of time in history and the present time:
• Describe each period briefly. • Clarify the differences during each period with public health nursing and community health nursing. • Describe the key health issues. • Identify community health partnerships used during this period of time. • Describe how Watson’s Theory of Human Transpersonal Caring is related.
| |Historical time |Nursing role in |Major health issues |Partnerships used |Watson’s theory |
| |period |community | | | |
|Past period 1 |Florence Nightingale |Florence Nightingale |Infection with bacteria |Nightingale used rich and |Watson’s theory of |
| |in 1860 |developed nursing |such as E. coli, |upstanding people in the |caring was based on |
| | |programs for students as|Pseudomonas, Staph, |community to help her with |caring for the |
| | |well as a form of |blood borne diseases, |her goal of creating more |patients and |
| | |nursing where nurses |and airborne disease |schools and promoting |environment. |
| | |took care of sick people|from caregivers not |public health nursing. |Nightingale and |
| | |within the home. Her |using universal |Most people noticed the |Watson’s vision was |
| | |emphasis for this care |precautions with good |problem in the community