Model for the construction industry using pre-determined times
Jasper Van Gilsa, Leo Vaningelgema
This paper is based on our work experience with Office-line. This company prepares standard times for companies in the industrial sector. Standard time is productive time that is required and achieved by an employee. Standard time contains everything that is necessary for the work specified to be completed. The reason why Office-line only prepare standard times for the industrial sector rather than the construction industry is due to the repetitive nature of the work. One example is the car industry which uses assembly lines. In the construction sector, this kind of repetition is not so evident. There is repetitiveness in some part of the work, but this would only occur as part of a larger concept. It is therefore impossible to give an estimated time spent on work that is non-repetitive.
In this model we will use some standard times in the construction industry for scientific purposes only. This means that we will not be using a chronometer or any subsequent calculations but we will act on the basis of pre-calculations to find out what the times will be. These times are the (average) established times for an able bodied worker. Recordings of these were made and the resulting times have been analysed in 2 different ways: * the speed rating system * the theory of Leon Carlos Willemarck (LCW)
Subsequently we can compare these times with current times.
The resulting times in this paper will often differ from the current times. This is because we used a different basis from which to make these calculations. There are many aspects which were not included and this is why making comparisons can be difficult. You need to have exactly the same conditions for each situation measured to be able to compare these times.
Keywords: construction industry, yields, repetitive, rhythm * Contact information a
Dept. Of
References: * Books * Frank Vancauwenberghe. Figure 1 Bedaux. Tijdstudie in de 21e eeuw. 2006 * Frank Vancauwenberghe. Figure 2 Tempobeschrijvingen en temposchalen. Tijdstudie in de 21e eeuw. 2006 * Frank Vancauwenberghe. Vrex 4-4 training Eng. 2005 * Internet * Frank Vancauwenberghe. Standaartijden en normtijden. Internet site office-line. Beschikbaar via: * Frank Vancauwenberghe. Tabel 3.2 Willemarck. LCW Leon Carlos Willemarck. Internet site Office-line. Beschikbaar via: