I have chosen to do the Time Bound Project Plan on an EP release.
Project Structure: To be an effective Project Manager you must consider the three main questions and or problems: Quality, time and Resources.
What needs to be done? Being able to recognise the delegation of tasks and jobs to people based on their own ability is a key component of being an effective PM.
When should something be done and in which order? Being able to take Eagle view of the project and recognise that some tasks can’t be completed without the completion of other tasks will save time and structure the project.
What is the status of the project? Setting targets mid project helps maintain consistency and transparency which will help the PM effectively evaluate his progress and assess why it hasn’t reached the estimation.
Definition Phase: During this stage a PM plans out the expected costs of the project.(1) “80% to 90% of the whole project costs are defined in the development phase”. In order to be effective the PM must spend more time in the Definition Phase then the execution as it is proven to shorten the length of the execution thus saving the PM time and cash. Being a young first release band our budget is quite minimal. To maximise it definition phase is key.
Clear Goals: The PM is in charge of the completion of goals which can be described as SMART(specific, measurable, ambitious, realistic, time-bounden)
In the short term a PM can be dumbfounded by the many daily tasks so an effective PM will clarify the goals first. Team meetings and initial workshops will help bring the team together whether it is the band or a meeting with the publishers.
Transparency About The Project Status: This is an opportunity for the PM to assess whether he and his team are staying on the path or do they need to reconsider. Flow Charts, structure plans and milestone plans are useful In this case. At regular meeting an effective PM will (2)
Bibliography: (1) (2) 7 basic principles of effective project management | Hauke Borow . org. 2013.7 basic principles of effective project management | Hauke Borow . org. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.haukeborow.org/2010/01/7-basic-principles-of-effective-project-management/. [Accessed 11 March 2013]. (3) Fundit.ie. 2013. Fundit.ie. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.fundit.ie/info/about/. [Accessed 12 March 2013]. (4) (5) Making and Planning Your Album-Checklist | The Indie Band Survival Guide - Beta . 2013. Making and Planning Your Album-Checklist | The Indie Band Survival Guide - Beta . [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.indieguide.com/wiki/page/Making_and_Planning_Your_Album-Checklist. [Accessed 13 March 2013].