
Time In Isolation Can Change People: Literary Analysis

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Time In Isolation Can Change People When travelers board a plane, there is always a voice in their head saying: “What if this plane would malfunction, or fall out of the sky?” In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the phenomenal story begins with a group of British schoolboys when they crash land on an uninhabited island. The boys must find food and water to survive as well as make important decisions while they wait for rescue. The main problem is, the more the boys’ isolation progresses the more disconnected from the civilization they become. The author, William Golding, does an outstanding job depicting the theme, civilization versus savagery, using the plot, setting, and characters of the story. The author uses the plot to show how the characters turn from civil boys to becoming savages. In the beginning of the novel, the characters create rules for their group. “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can …show more content…

At the beginning of the novel, Ralph explains to the group that he did not see any houses, smoke, footprints, boats, or people on the island (Golding 32). The boys then realize they are utterly alone on the island and far from civilization where it will be a challenge for the characters to remain civilized. The beginning of the novel shows how the boys decide to create a civilization on the island by making shelters to create some sort of a home (Golding 52) and finding pools to bathe and swim in (Golding 65). The boys attempt to create their own civilization even though they are isolated. Although, as time passes, the group loses interest in the shelters or staying clean, and they slowly become savages, ending up burning down the island’s forest (Golding 197). Their ultimate actions, using setting, have proved the theme of civilization versus savagery in the

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