"Fern Hill" is a personal account, Thomas? nostalgic revisit to a place where as a child he had spent time with his aunt. Through this sentimental revisit, he comes to realize the inevitable passage of time and a resulting loss of innocence. The poem was actually triggered by his visits to Fern Hill as an adult during a time of war. After Thomas?s hometown Swansea in Wales was bombed by the Nazi air campaign against Great Britain, Thomas? parents moved out to their cottage near the farm of Fernhill. "[Thomas?] visits to his parents during the war triggered the memories of the happy Edenic times when he was young and thoughts of war were still distant" (Miller 99). In this poem, he revisits both his own childhood, and ,symbolically, the childhood and prewar innocence of his country. "Anyone lived in a pretty how town," is less personal. A love story made trivial
through the use of "noone" and "anyone," this poem plays on words to negate the existence of these lovers while concurrently emphasizing their existence not only in this town, but in any other town. As individuals the lovers are ignored
Cited: Cox, C.B. "Dylan Thomas?s ?Fern Hill?." The Critical Quarterly. 1 (1959): 134-38 Davidow, Mary C. "Journey from Apple Orchard to Swallow Thronged Loft: ?Fern Hill?." English Journal 58 (1969): 78-81 Kidder, Rushworth M. E.E. Cummings: An Introduction to the Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979 Miller, Tyrus. "Essay for Poetry for Students." Gale (1998). Rotella, Guy Critical Essays on E.E. Cummings G.K. Hall & Co., 1984. 283-302. Turco, Lewis Wegner, Robert E. The Poetry and Prose of E.E. Cummings. New York: Hartcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1965.