Current Schedule When I look back on how I spend my time I see that my current time management skills can use some improvements. Although I still seem to find some time to get my assignments done even if it means doing them late at night. After keeping record on how I use my time for a week, I see that most of my time is spent out with my friends doing unproductive activities. I think I spend a lot of time with my friends do to the fact that I rather not study or do homework during the day because it is boring and I get distracted easily. With that being said, being with my friends takes up most of my day, so by the time I get home to do any homework or even a small amount of studying it is already pretty late and …show more content…
I also noticed that I have a bad habit of looking at my phone repeatedly which is also a distraction. I’ve tried to put it away but I use it so much that is part of my everyday life. I also learned that I need to have at least an hour nap after school if I don’t, I feel drained and can’t stay focused. Some pressure I felt while living my ideal schedule was having to do other things that come up unexpectedly and still try to stay on my ideal schedule, the way I dealt with it was by seeing what I really need to get done and what was not that important and could be delayed. Some adjustments I made this week were doing my homework and studying right when I got home, Reducing the amount time I spent out with my friends and going to bed earlier. Doing my homework and studying when I got home made it easier on me because I didn’t have to worry about doing it late at night which also allowed me to get to bed earlier. Reducing the amount of time spent with my friends allowed for more studying time even though they thought it was lame I felt it really did benefit me. What really distracts me is my phone I use it so much that I feel like I need it to survive. It is a major distraction when I studying because one notification can lead to opening up social media apps and soon enough an hour goes by of me being on my phone and not studying. One thing I need to change in the future is trying to eliminate distraction even if that means turning off my phone when studying especially if it’s for a test. After living my ideal schedule this week even though it was difficult I felt like I used my time very effectively because I didn’t have to worry or stress over homework which was my big problem when recording my current