Westward Expansion, 1865-1890
1. Railroads- largest industry most powerful wealthiest
Promontory Point, Utah, 1869 – the first intercontinental railroad, merger east coast to west coast
US Army
2. Search of wealth- people move to the WEST make more money
San Francisco, 1849- gold is discovered U.S largest gold rush
Gold & Land-
Homestead Act- federal program recruit people to move to the west, dirt cheap prices ,dangerous!
3. European Immigration, 1860-1890- 4 million Europeans enter the U.S
German (NAVTISM)!!!! Believe that the country is for only them Foreigners ARE NOT ALLOWED!
4. Manifest Destiny
Characteristics of Plains Indians
Indian Wars, 1860-1900- an official wars against native Americas
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Reasons for Indian attacks
Buffalo- very important animal
Buffalo Soldiers, 1866- first professional ALL BLACK soldier group, give blacks job eliminate Indians
Membership- former slaves men, free blacks
Tasks- A LOT main purpose against the U.S military in this war against Native Americans build bridges building schools and hospitals
Battles-5000 qualified
Name- the native americans gave this name too them
Why Enlist?
Cheyenne Indians
Black Kettle
White Antelope
San Creek Massacre, 1864
Washita River Massacre
Apache Indians
Gen. George Cook
Sioux Indians
Black Hills, 1874
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 1868
Red Cloud
Spotted Tail
Sitting Bull
Ulysses S. Grant & peace
Peace Policy, 1869
Custer’s Last Stand, 1876- great Indian Killer
Little Big Horn- john Custer is killed
Crazy Horse
Effects / ramifications
Massacre at Wounded Knee, 1890-native Americans vs. U.S army 500k killed
Standing Bear
Nez Perce
Chief Joseph
Goal of Assimilation-
White justification for reservations
Indian’s perspective on reservations
Reservation lands
Self-destructive behaviors
White reformers & the Indian Assimilation Mvt., 1879-response to war anti-war movement
Standing Bear
Indian Assimilation Conference, 1883
Indian Boarding School Mvt., 1879
Carlisle, Penn.-boarding school
Dawes Severalty Act, 1887-response to standing bearv
American Indian Civil Rights Mvt.
Standing Bear
Luther a.k.a Plenty Kill
Populist Party
U.S. Govt. Response
The Chinese Experience out west, 1850-1900
American Nativism
California Tax Law
Promontory point
Chinatowns, 1870s
Type of work
Anti-Chinese Sentiment
Workingman’s Party of California, 1878
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
Japanese & Koreans
Indian, Indonesia, & Arabian Peninsula
Exclusionary laws, 1943 & 1952