The lapses in ethics and coporate social responsibility in the AOL Time Warner situation were actually, quite obvious. Blatent, obvious, and in my opinion, even obscene. Although my knowledge of the actual facts surrounding the merger of AOL and Time Warner is …show more content…
I feel AOL acted unethically, and without corporate social responsibility, but Time Warner failed as well in the area of corporate social responsibility. In my opinion, Time Warner, in essence, approached this mult-billion dollar merger as if it were a "crap shoot", to which the senior executives merely said, "All in!" and rolled the dice.
Time Warner had a responsibility to investigate the company whom they were intending on investing money in which did not belong to any involved individually. Although Time Warner's actions may be construed to have been with the best of intentions, there really isn't a "crystal ball" to foresee the future, however, there is no excuse for the negligence exercised in the lack of investigation to discover such discrepancies as the Justice Department and the Securities Exchange Commission found.
This type of business deal is not one which should be left to senior executives to decide alone. This should have been a decision made by the executives, the investors, even maybe the