3M should regain its closeness to the consumers ic./lr;,vl/ds becausgtge the current metgtgthujhod is insufghytrecficient to produgvhce and pvgrsrepare the company for thvfvgbe futuvgvfre magvgfbgbrket. As ,dxjsxldwixkldckr.the current method works mainly on incremedcvdzxrxntal innfgbhnyujovatjurydions, it neglects the radikdmklcm cal innoswvations which are mnkclkmrucial to keep up with the cum stomers’ expectaklmxs axtions. Increpo2s,qmental innovati3eknΩ,ons will reach a ertain saturatifkclmmzklxxzon point whereby consumfxreffers will start to demand for innovfdfyhuyhative ideas that will interest them. If the company persist on incremfkmrcx.ental innovatiofm.ij ns, it will lose out to the other compfjk mctx,tanies that are constantly coming up with new idevgrlx,.as in the long-run.
3M started off by doing custonkn,mer rehjnksearch whereby the def;re,fc/lf,company encourages employees to intervi;/≥åew and insksnteract with the customers and this led to many product and service ijknkcnjdncxodcxdmprovement. It is important for 3M to regain its clos timeout. chill yo hacks care no worrieshuecfcfvgvflkfc ckjcc jvj
3M should regain its closeness to the consumers ic./lr;,vl/ds becausgtge the current metgtgthujhod is insufghytrecficient to produgvhce and pvgrsrepare the company for thvfvgbe futuvgvfre magvgfbgbrket. As ,dxjsxldwixkldckr.the current method works mainly on incremedcvdzxrxntal innfgbhnyujovatjurydions, it neglects the radikdmklcm cal innoswvations which are mnkclkmrucial to keep up with the cum stomers’ expectaklmxs axtions. Increpo2s,qmental innovati3eknΩ,ons will reach a ertain saturatifkclmmzklxxzon point whereby consumfxreffers will start to demand for innovfdfyhuyhative ideas that will interest them. If the company persist on incremfkmrcx.ental innovatiofm.ij ns, it will lose out to the other compfjk mctx,tanies that are constantly coming up with new idevgrlx,.as in the