Respect your biological clock! If morning is simply not your time of day, don't schedule classes at the crack of dawn. You will have a terrible time getting there, and you will not be at your best. Schedule classes for a time of day when you can reliably get there rested, refreshed and ready to do your best work. In this way, you will make the most of your college dollar and get the very best education.…
Your purpose in this four- to seven-page essay is to closely analyze one position in your controversy. You’ll do this through the careful analysis of a single text advocating a position. For our purposes here, a “text” can be loosely defined as any persuasive effort that can be interpreted. A text may be a print article (such as an opinion column in a newspaper), a blog entry, a video, a commercial, an image, or a webpage. You should select a text that makes a clear argument—a text that very clearly asks the audience to believe, feel, or do something.…
- Use your research wisely – don’t comment on every question, but pick out information learnt that either supports or contradicts your views.…
The body of your essay will provide specific and relevant details that develop and support your opinion on the topic. The details should be reasons supportable with facts, not more opinions. The body paragraphs will examine each fact you are presenting and explain to readers how this fact (or set of multiple facts) relates to your thesis (point or opinion).…
• Select one of the topics below and read both articles that present opposing sides of the argument surrounding that topic.…
In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been _____________. On the one hand, __________ argues that ____________. On the other hand, __________ contends that _____________. Others maintain that ___________. My own view is that _______.…
The research question that I will be investigating is: how do the demands of the college workload affect the sleeping habits of college students? I chose this topic because I feel like it has a direct correlation to my personal experiences, as well as those of my fellow classmates. I often feel as if the demands from my college workload directly affect my ability to get an appropriate amount of sleep, and so I want to research the topic to see if other students share the same experience. I believe that when I have more work that needs to be completed, I have less of an opportunity to sleep during the night. This sentiment has been echoed by many of my classmates and friends, therefore I think that this is a common situation amongst college students. In this paper, I am going to refer to a similar study, as well as propose the most appropriate method to conduct this study, which is through survey. In addition, I will be comparing and contrasting the benefits and the drawbacks of this methodology, along with this study’s relevance to previously existing studies on this topic.…
This is an argumentative essay in which the writer chooses to defend one side of an issue. While defending your chosen stance, you will also examine different perspectives on the issue by discussing the complications of the issue.…
Explain Callarman’s argument and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with his analysis. Support your position, providing reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.…
d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented.…
With most students waking up at 6:00 a.m., they would have to be fast asleep by…
(1)The reason many students and faculty feel this way is because they notice the student’s attention spans. (2) In the morning, I can personally recall yawning, shutting my eyes, and not doing my work to my full abilities. (3) Interestingly, I have noticed on the days I sleep in, my grades increase higher. (4) Sleeping in, students have nicely rising grades and focus in the classroom. (5) When researchers study teenage sleep patterns they find that when schools start at 8:30 students don’t fall asleep in class, which is not surprising(FS). (6) Schools should start at 8:30. (7) Ended school days, I have more energy to do my…
Jackson Hole High School, of Wyoming, changed it’s time to begin school to 8:55a.m. and the percentage of teenage car accidents decreased by seventy percent (“Wake Up Calls” 2). The high percentage of car accidents decreasing when a high school created a later start time, allowing adolescents to sleep later, represents how an extra hour of sleep can improve the functioning of a teenager. If schools altered their start times to only 9:00a.m., could make a huge difference on one’s sleep…
A common phrase among young adults in secondary education is that there are three parts to high school life: social life, grades, and sleep. Pick two. Clifton Parker, on a study by education scholar Denise Pope, states “spending too much time on homework mean[s] students [are] ‘not meeting their developmental needs or cultivating other critical life skills,’” Students [are] more likely to drop activities, not see friends or family, and not pursue hobbies they enjoy.” To achieve grades that fulfill collegiate ambitions, students must spend all of the time they may spend with family or friends on the homework that earns them points. Teachers often assume that a student’s overall productivity is defined by the amount of work completed in a night. Many end up assigning at least an hour of homework to assure themselves that the kids are learning. Real life productivity is defined by advancement and development of character or leadership. Through that lens, completing busywork is not productive. Once students reach the real world, they are underprepared and underdeveloped to face day to day challenges. In an interview, Christine Gross-Loh quotes Krista Kuru, Finnish Education Chief, describing the reasoning against this approach. She states “Academics isn't all kids need. Kids need so much more. School should be where we teach the meaning of life; where kids learn they are needed; where they can learn community skills.…
Student Life Redefined Indisputable in today’s civilization, it has become unmistakable that the equilibrium of time spent on students’ social, emotional, physical, and academic life is categorically corrupted—an overload of assignments and activities for students often causes a lack of energy and inadequate spare time, many times leading to superabundant stress. Steven Guzman, a twelve year old, runs the same routine every day: He wakes up, goes to school, does homework, and sleeps, with no time for anything else but to eat. The author goes on giving solid information from examinations about extended school hours and time tired out from sports. Students pretty much experience the same time crunch as their parents. Additionally, nearly all children are now also losing free or play time, which could cause harmful effects in the future.…