To become in general a successful student in life, we all need to learn to become a good student in every aspect of life. Becoming a good student is not an easy task if you already have other obligations to fulfill in life such as family, work. To be a good student it takes a great deal of hard work, time and self discipline. Any student who possesses these strong characteristics will often time stand out from the rest of their classmates. In order to become a successful student, my strongest characteristics are self motivation, positive self esteem, commitment and good study habits.
What motivated me to go back to school I had to set goals. Setting goals is the first step in order to gain the motivation I need to become a better and successful student. Setting a goal is something a person and or anyone is willing to accomplish and achieve in their life. There are two types of goals, short term and long term. My goal is to achieve my BSN in nursing at Grand Canyon University by 2014. Another reason I got motivated to study is that I will enjoy a better quality of life as an educated person at the end of this journey.
To be a successful student, one can achieve high self esteem within you. This is a form of happiness or self-satisfaction. Many people try and struggle daily to reach throughout their entire life. High self esteem makes you feel good. If I work hard and accomplish good outcome at the end of the day that feeling of accomplishment is what gives me the high self esteem and higher motivation to become a better and successful student.
To be a successful student, Self-discipline is one of the most vital tools students can own in their life. It is all about to be organized and prioritize. It is very important to make a daily plan and dedicate the time needed for each task to accomplish in time. Being organized will help students stay on task and focus on the task. Also Students need to learn to prioritize their daily tasks. As a student you must ensure that you take a close look at homework assignments, study sessions, and other tasks to see which of these need top priority and need to be completed first. So if you prioritize ahead of time in order to complete the most important task first. This will help better manage your time and produce better results in your education.
Having good study habits is avoiding distraction, which will lead to a successful student. As a student if you find yourself so easily distracted then it is important that you examine the source of your distraction/problem. Avoid studying in front of television or the internet. Study habits are one of the essential tools that students must obtain or enhance in order to be successful. There is no wrong method of studying because everyone has their own method that works best for them. Since everyone is different one must choose the method that works best.
To be a successful student is to be committed. When you are committed you are determined . When you have the desire to learn and you take the time to study it is very likely to make youa very successful student.