Some Commentary on this “Course Description” (You must realize that this is a basic course description. On a more realistic scale, students typically don’t “master writing” in this class. They improve their writing, but they certainly don’t master the art of writing essays in one semester or one year. Writing takes years of practice, diligence, patience, development, devotion, and it requires students to engage in a process of assiduous revision. It can sometimes result from divine inspiration—some miraculous insight, but often the words come together as a series of cohesive paragraphs through the act of writing consecutive drafts, incorporating feedback, crossing out words and sentences in exchange for more descriptive and effective ones. There will be times when you may struggle to write well and instances when you articulate what you wish to convey with little effort. Writing may take effort and then some. . .) Do your best. Do your own writing. In instances when you work with a tutor or use sources, acknowledge that you’ve done so by including rough drafts with comments and proper MLA citations. I want to see your process and areas where your tutor offered you feedback and you incorporated
Some Commentary on this “Course Description” (You must realize that this is a basic course description. On a more realistic scale, students typically don’t “master writing” in this class. They improve their writing, but they certainly don’t master the art of writing essays in one semester or one year. Writing takes years of practice, diligence, patience, development, devotion, and it requires students to engage in a process of assiduous revision. It can sometimes result from divine inspiration—some miraculous insight, but often the words come together as a series of cohesive paragraphs through the act of writing consecutive drafts, incorporating feedback, crossing out words and sentences in exchange for more descriptive and effective ones. There will be times when you may struggle to write well and instances when you articulate what you wish to convey with little effort. Writing may take effort and then some. . .) Do your best. Do your own writing. In instances when you work with a tutor or use sources, acknowledge that you’ve done so by including rough drafts with comments and proper MLA citations. I want to see your process and areas where your tutor offered you feedback and you incorporated