Title 2: The systems analyst and their involvement with the Office Automation System.
The purpose of this paper is to display the what office automation systems are and its features, and to display its purposes in many businesses and schools. I will explain the systems analyst and their involvement with the Office Automation Systems, and how computer networks are utilized in the various fields such as in the hospitality industry, education, banking and other many other businesses. I hope that you the audience will understand what is needed to know about office automation systems and how they improve the speed with which work is done rather than in the kind of work that is done, and the list goes on. The objective of this paper goes along with the number one objective of the course; describing the roles and responsibilities, skills and core competencies of an effective systems analyst. I will elaborate more on this objective while applying it to their use of the office automation system. Office automation systems are used in the office to make all official work happen at a faster speed without any mess. Office automation components include computers,calculators, printers, copier machines, fax machines (facsimile), laminating machines, note binding machines, typewriters, voice messaging, telemarketing, teleconferencing, e-commerce, electronic funds transfer ,electronic mail, telecommuting, and the list goes on. Computers help in storing data in various files and folders which otherwise had chances of getting misplaced. This topic is of relevance because many persons use this specific information system in their day-to-day lives. I would recommend that more businesses teach their staff how to use OAS, because they effectively help in decreasing manual work and also save time through its automatic functional features. The different office automation systems perform