Hope for Individuals with ASD and those who care for them
The problems facing individuals and families with ASD are serious, and such issues require immediate and thorough intervention on a wide social, and political, scale. However, the situation is far from hopeless. Individuals with ASD can, and often do, thrive if given the proper resources and support. The number of productive, successful individuals living with ASD is proof of this. (National Trust) Poet Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay is one particularly notable individual who thrived in spite of significant social obstacles. He attributes much of his success to his mother’s tireless dedication towards his education. His memoir Beyond the Silence, My
Life, The World and Autism details his …show more content…
More than anything else, they wanted their children to be happy. Ultimately these are the things that all parents want for their children, and these are goals that should not be considered too lofty. However, it is the job of society as a whole to make sure that these dreams are within reach.
Fortunately, there is reason to be hopeful. The situation for individuals with ASD is improving, though slowly, making these and other dreams possible. The level of awareness among the general population, as well as the medical and educational sectors, continues to increase. Subsequently, the age of diagnosis continues to decrease, as more and more pediatricians are taught to recognize the signs of ASD. Educational resources, though still far from sufficient, are increasing in number, and improving. While national disability policy has done little to help those with ASD or their families, advocates are dedicated to replacing existing legislation with more helpful, less problematic, legislation that recognizes cognitive, developmental and mental disabilities as well as physical disabilities.
NGOs like AFA and Approach Autism continue to work tirelessly towards