Possible Learning Topics
In regards to possible learning topics, I have been trying to decide between two choices; Self and Career Management, and Influence and Persuasion. This conflict has arisen for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I and P is key in my paid work role, and is a key transferable skill that can be applied to a number of situations. However, I do believe that S and C Management may be one of the most effective topics to study, in relation to both my paid and non-paid work.
Me and My Learning Context
In my non-paid work, which is volunteering for a large charity, I am finding that things are progressing sufficiently. This is for a couple of reasons, including attending a number of events, for example, cheque collections on behalf of the charity.
I had originally intended to base my work-based learning around a number of clients that I am trained to work for, however, recently I was moved to the Oxfam team, which is more competitive and results based. This is a step up in a couple of senses as it means I have regular hours, where inbound work is scarce.
However, in my paid work I am finding that I have reached a plateau, where I know I can perform and produce the results, but doing so becomes more difficult as time progresses. This is a big issue, as targets are a part of my role, and I need to be hitting them. However, if I have a bad day or a day where there is lots of rejection, I find it more difficult to apply myself properly to the situation or the client on the phone, and do not “convert” them. This then means that my results suffer, and it leads to a cycle of poor results and up and down days.
I think the main area that I will be concentrating on will be S and C Management, and I will be using my current situations with both paid and non-paid work for reflection. The reason that I am looking at both aspects of work is to fully optimise my personal reflection and learning process.
Of course, as I and P is a large