Teamwork, practiced in everyday activities such as soccer or school projects, should also be practiced when faced with the fork in the “road of life,” which is life or death. The men in Cold saved one of their group members when he fell into a crevasse. They avoided death by traveling with communication and proper safety. Wearing clips and ropes, they were tied together for safety. If one man slipped or fell the other men could be his support system. Without being tied to his group, he would have fallen to his death. Opposing Simone, Cory, and Denis, the man in Jack London’s story attempted to build a fire to save his freezing feet and legs. After the snow put out his last fire, he was determined to build another one. Unable to light matches due to his frozen hands, he was unsuccessful in building the fire. The narrator said, “Perhaps the old man on Sulphur Creek was right. If he had a companion on the trail he would be in no danger now. The companion could have built the fire.” (73). All alone, he had no team to save him from “falling into a crevasse.” Traveling solo, he suffered from the harsh conditions and died due to his lack of a team. Learning from the man's mistakes, one should travel in a group when attempting to face harsh conditions in life. This support system could help prevent mistakes, which in harsh weather could easily determine life or …show more content…
A lack of respect for nature and its power over one’s body could easily result in death. Prepared, the men in Cold survived the harsh conditions. They understood nature and the power it has over them as human beings. They wore heavy coats, face masks, thickly-lined climbing boots, and carried backpacks which were filled with the proper nutrition to fuel one’s body for such a demanding journey. This complex understanding of nature saved their lives. Contradicting Simone, Denis, and Cory, the man in To Build a Fire came to Alaska with only a coat, casual boots, no sled, and his body heat to keep him and his lunch, a sandwich, warm. When describing the man's thoughts, the narrator said, “Such facts told him that is was cold and uncomfortable, and that was all. It did not lead him to consider his weaknesses as a creature affected by temperature.” (London, 65). In other words the man did not consider the weaknesses of his body when paired up against nature. Bringing proper supplies such as, coats, gloves, boots, and a proper understanding of nature's power will prepare a person to survive the grim conditions that will face them as they set out against