First off, in the passage Brian’s Winter, Brian is sleeping in camp as he wakes up to the rear end of a very large bear. He finds out that what he had done was a terrible mistake.…
“To Build a Fire” is a naturalist’s view of the harsh peril that the Yukon can hold. The characters were all in the Yukon and each had different fates due to the willingness to accept the rules of such a harsh climate. The tone and mood help set up such a naturalistic story where one should not trifle with nature. Throughout the story the main character fights himself and the elements to try to survive. “To Build a Fire” by Jack London shows how the dismissal of knowledge and experience due to self-confidence creates arrogance.…
In “To Build a Fire”, by Jack London, the man is unable to withstand the unyielding Yukon climate because of his inability to recognize danger and his lack of imagination. In the beginning of “To Build a Fire”, the man is trekking in the snow covered Yukon hoping to reach camp by nightfall when he spits and it solidifies mid air, due to the below freezing temperatures. When he spits into the air, “There was a sharp, explosive crackle that startled him” (8). The man fails to notice that he should not be traveling in such cold weather, even after his own spittle freezes. Subsequently, the man does not succeed in sustaining a fire because his hands are numb and a piece of moss extinguishes the fire, when he thinks about killing the dog for…
His short story displays survival and humans .vs. nature. It takes place on the Yukon Trail in Alaska. A man and dog decide to walk the Yukon Trail and experiences harsh weather including extremely cold temperatures and heavy snow falls. He deals with many weather related problems. He faces very cold weather and it doesn’t seem to phase him. His whole body starts to feel numb. He plans on eating lunch but this means he would have to stop and take up more time. So he wastes time doing that. At the end of the story he finally realizes that he's cold and he’s going to die. The dog ends up surviving. The man realizes that he should have prepared better for this. The man vs nature part shows when the man has to build a fire but none of the fires will actually…
Trying to reach the camp by himself with no one else, but a dog, the “Man” completely ignores the temperature and believes that it “did not matter” other than an obstacle to get around. He believes that if a person keeps moving, the temperature doesn’t matter and it won’t effect the journey other than a hinderance of moving. The “Man” continues on his journey while his fingers and toes are already numb, leaving the rest of the body to quickly follow. After falling through ice into water, the “Man” is quick to build a fire and when he succeeded, the snow-filled tree dropped snow on the top of it. He assessed the situation and realized that “he should not have built the fire under the pine tree”. Pine trees are a weak type of tree and their limbs will bounce if pressure is applied, the “Man” ignored the obvious hazard and built the fire under the tree, finishing the fire and himself off. By ignoring the temperature and losing the fire,allows fate to complete with his death and make him unsuccessful toward his want of reaching the camp.…
In the story London describes the harsh weather that he had experienced.London describes the weather as being -75 degrees, and the dangers of that weather. The man is travelling from one area of the Yukon to another camp. He is traveling alone except for a dog. London writes “The trouble with him was that he was without imagination. He was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not the significances. Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty-odd degrees of frost. Such fact impressed him as being cold and uncomfortable, and that was all” (To Build a Fire 27). The man does not understand the danger of this setting. Jack London’s time in the Klondike also influenced the conflict in “To Build a Fire”. Which is man vs. nature. The man has to get to camp before he freezes to death. He gets his feet wet, and can not start a fire. The man lacks the instincts and experience to survive, and he eventually freezes to death. “It did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon man’s frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold, and from there it did not lead him to the conjectural field of immorality and the man’s place in the universe” (To Build a Fire 27). The man does not even think about what can happen to him in this environment, and he does not even think he can die in this…
Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” is a story about knowing your surroundings, and listening to your instincts, just as the dog in this story did. London’s human character, who is nameless in the story, is more like a foil; with the main character being the harsh landscape of the Yukon, where the story takes place amid -75 below temperatures. The man shows how arrogant and inexperienced he is when he travels to the Yukon Territory without proper clothing, the use of a sled, or companions. He has no camping gear, insufficient food supplies, and his surroundings appear insignificant to him. These vital mistakes not only cost the man anger, but eventually a slow, agonizing death due to stubbornness, and a lack of knowledge in the harsh realities…
Deepak Chopra once said, “The masculine energy was about survival. The male was the hunter who risked his life and had to be in the fight-flight mode.” When pertaining to survival, the main character in “To Build a Fire” by Jack London failed to follow three main steps in Laurence Gonzales’ nonfiction trade book, “Deep Survival.” The main character failed to stay calm, to think, analyze, and plan, and to never give up during his trek through the pure, untrampled white snow.…
In the short story "To Build a Fire," by Jack London, a newcomer crosses the treacherous Alaskan Yukon during the time of the gold rush, in a search to seek great fortune. Unfortunately, his failure to heed to the experienced old timer, as well his lack of knowledge resulted in him being unaware of the danger that faced him from within his surroundings. Thus, the theme of survival is conveyed through setting, sensory detail and characterization.…
Jack London's short stories, "Love of Life" and "To Build a Fire", both tell amazing tales of surviving in the wilderness of the Yukon. In "Love of Life", a man is left on his own to survive with a sprained ankle after his traveling companion, Bill, abandons him in a river. This unnamed man travels across the Yukon in search of a hidden cache that contains food and ammunition for his gun. Winter begins while he looks for his cache and he has to resort to eating live baby birds and minnows; he also has to give up his 15 pounds of gold. After a close run-in with a wolf that ends in the man biting the throat out of the sick animal,…
The idea of traveling out all by yourself, into the wilderness with no map and little food and living off the land to discover yourself and the nature around you, may not be appealing to many. But after reading Jon Krakauer’s mysterious and passionate story of Chris McCandless’ journey into the wilderness it will cause anyone to dive deep into their soul and question their actions and wonder why someone with a seemingly perfect life would abandon all they have for “self discovery” as Chris does at the ripe age of 22 when he travels to and ultimately dies in Alaska. Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild illustrates Chris McCandless’ journey with enthusiasm and force and persuades the reader to question why throughout the story through powerful diction and anecdotes told by others about Chris’ past.…
The bone-chilling cold in To Build a Fire effects the main character, an unnamed man, and inevitably kills him. The unnamed man takes his chances in the wilderness by himself, with a half wild dog, even when told not to by an old prospector. The extremely cold temperature effects the basic motor function of his extremities.…
In the story, the man is traveling with a dog. The dog is somewhat a companion, but for the most part it only views the man as a fire and food provider. The only item the man brings with him is his lunch wrapped in a handkerchief. His ultimate goal is to reach a camp where “the boys“ are. At the beginning of the story, London describes the man as, “ without imagination.” and “quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not the significances.” (London 115) This leads the reader to believe that he thinks about the perils he will have to overcome in his journey to camp, but does not think about how they will come or what his actions will do to provoke them. For example, when the man built his first fire, he built it under a spruce tree. He knew it was easier to pull the twigs from the tree and put them in the fire if it was right underneath, but he did not clearly think of what he was doing. “Each time he had pulled a twig he had communicated a slight agitation to the tree, an agitation sufficient to bring about the disaster.”(London 120) The agitation eventually caused the snow piled up on the tree to collapse right on the fire underneath. The man seemed confident that he would not face too much danger. He did not think about the weakness of human beings compared to the strength of nature. Instead, he believe that all he needed in order to live was to “keep his head”.(London 119)…
He starts his letter to his sister, Mrs. Saville, by describing the “cold northern breeze.” He expresses his experience by using adjectives like, “inspirited, beauty, delight, and calm.” This also highlights that science sooths his soul and makes him become tranquil and optimistic. He commenced himself through hardships of his travels, but hopes to discover a new passage way through the north pole to other countries. In addition, he would like conquer his fear of danger and…
Letter four introduces the reader to the point where Walton’s boat is trapped by ice; he describes the scene as “dangerous” because they are not only trapped by the ice but by “thick fog.” It is at this point we told of a figure in the distance, it is described as a “gigantic stature.” The use of the word ‘gigantic’ suggests non-human but then when you read further on you are told about a man who is “nearly frozen” and is “dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering.” The way that this figure is described paints a vivid image in the reader’s head, which leads them to feel an element of pity.…