LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS………………………………………………………….
CONCLUSSION …………………………………………………………………………
REFFERENCE ……………………………………………………………………………
Abstract The study was carried out in Muno location , Uasingishu district in rift valley province of Kenya between the month of January and September 2012 . the main objective of the study was to establish the prevalence of root – knot nematode on beans in the area . six sub-location were sampled randomly and the samples were taken and studied in the laboratory using several analytical methods such as baermans funnel method
Root-knot nematodes have severe effects in the production of beans where they cause considerable annual lose to farmers i .the type of root-knot that severely affects beans is the meloidogyne spp besides other nematodes such as heterodora spp, paratylenchus spp , ditylenchus spp which are also realized in the location .
The root- knot nematodes affects all leguminous crops . crops affected show the following symptoms ,Root knots or root galls , Root lesions ,Excessive root branching , Injured root tips and Root rot . These symptoms are usually accompanied by the malformation , blistering of the above parts of the plant , twisting or distortion of leaves and stems and abnormal development of the floral parts Protection of beans from attack from nematodes and other organisms through cultural and chemical means is one of the most promising ways of increasing bean production . but the future nemotological progress will
References: Barker, K.R., G.A. Pederson and G.L. Windham. 1998. Plant and Nematode Interactions. ASA, CSSA, SSA Publishers, Madison, WI. France, R.A. and G.S. Abawi. 1993. Interaction between Meloidogyne incognita and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli on selected bean genotypes. Journal of Nematology 26:467-474. Jepson, S.B. 1987. Identification of Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Species). CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Karssen, G. 2002. The Plant-Parasitic Nematode Genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1892 (Tylenchida) in Europe. Brill Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.