
To Investigate the Impact of Pregnacies and Early Marriages on a Girl Child Education

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To Investigate the Impact of Pregnacies and Early Marriages on a Girl Child Education



COMPUTOR # 20620668



ZAOU 2009

I dedicate this project to all special people in my life especially to my dear wife Jenipher Michelo Jere, my children Thaonga and Themwani Jere for their endurance during the period I was researching and compiling this report for my degree at Zambian Open University. Furthermore, to my relatives for the support and encouragement. All enemies of education to live long so that they see its long term benefits advantages and power.


Iam deeply indebted to Mrs. Rose Kakompe,Department of the School of Education at Zambian Open University, my research project supervisor for her patience, encouragement and advice without which I could not have managed to accomplish the research study.
My appreciation also goes to the Head Teacher of Shampande Basic School for allowing me to conduct a research at his institution and to give me some vital information about the subject matter.
My sincere appreciation goes to the Administration of Choma Secondary School where I teach for the financial and moral support that has enabled me to accomplish my studies. I further pay a glowing tribute of Secondary Education at Zambian Open University main Campus for the support and encouragement they rendered to me.
I cannot bring this acknowledgement to an end without mentioning Mrs Matilda Banda for the secretarial service. Iam grateful to her for the services.

However I must emphasize that solely responsible from any

References: Bunwaree,S and Heward,C.(ed).(1999) Gender, Education and Development Beyond Access to Development.Zed Books:London. Chigunta and Masiye (1998) Will the Poor always be with Us?Poverty Experiences in Zambia. Lusaka Committee for Campaign against Poverty. Kelly,M.J (1994) Below the Poverty Line in Education:A Situational Analysis of Girls’ Education in Zambia.UNICEF: Lusaka. Mason (1995) British Education in Africa.London Oxford University Press.London Ministry of Education (MOE) (1995) Zambia Education Rehabilitation Project on Educational Policy Stutdies:Study on Gender Issues in Education in Zambia Ministry of Education (MOE) (1996) Educating Our Future: National Policy on Education. Zambia Educatiion Publishing House:Lusaka. Mwanakatwe,J.M. (1968) The Growth of Education in Zambia since Independence.Oxford University Press:London. Mwansa,D.(2005) Listening to thte Girl Child: Voices for Change and Redress in Primary Education in Zambia.MOE/UNICEF:Lusaka. Phiri, M.(1998) A Study to Determine the Influence of Programme for the Advancement of Girl Education (PAGE)on the Academic Performance of the Girl Child in Selected Schools of Chipata Urban.UNZA:Lusaka. Tietjen, K.(1991) Educating Girls:Strategies to Increase Access ,Persistence and Achievment. Creative Associates International Inc:Washsington DC.

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