“ I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin , but by the content of their character,” said Martin Luther King Jr. MLK was a Civil rights activist. This quote to me means that no matter what color or race you are, we are all equal. Now in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird inequalities are seen in the community, school, and churches.
Now the first and best example of inequality in this book would be the Tom Robinson Case. In this case Tom Robinson is accused of raping a white girl from a poor family. The problem with this is Tom is a black man and he is not treated fairly or given a fair trial just because he is black. …show more content…
When he did that people in the community became very mad and angry with him because he was representing a black man for the case. In him doing all of this the community disrespected him by not letting him go to his own church or even sometimes getting threats and scowls from friends and family. For instance in the book Scout's Aunt Alexandra says that ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… , Now what she said right there proves that there is inequality in the family.
A third inequality would be atticus finch's friends. One in particular would be his housekeeper Calpurnia. See Calpurnia has no problem with atticus being Tom's lawyer but the church that calpurnia goes to does kind of, because atticus is not allowed to go to his church he told Calpurnia to take the children to her church. When she did this people in her church hated the fact that she had brought some white kids to there church. But then they remembered that Atticus finch a white man is helping tom robinson a black against whole bunch of white people. So they changed their thoughts and welcomed them in.
Now in conclusion I have talked about three of the many inequalities in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. I hope you have learned from this and I hope it changes your view on people and how they should be