Alexis Austin
To Kill A Mockingbird Essay
All we have to do is look around us and we can see that these things do still exist. Even though we are not as racist as before prejudice events still happen. To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel about all different kinds of stereotypes. It uses a young girl’s perspective to show how these stereotypes were so abundant, and how terrible they were. To Kill a Mockingbird is very much still relevant today. Society does not take everyone in for who they are but they judge people if they don't live up to certain expectations. Think about your environment and how others around you feel. Issues that happened a long time ago still happen today. People grow up with different beliefs, and moral education. For Instance, Walter Cunningham was poor and was isolated from all the other kids in school. He got bullied, labeled, and in trouble for the wrong reasons. A lot of kids looked down upon him because he was different. There are kids that still struggle with not fitting in and having little money. They don't live up to people's expectations, and get bullied for it. Events such as the ones in Jena, Louisiana seem to become more common each day. Recently, a black professor at Columbia …show more content…
First, racism is still occurring today, and just like in the novel we will have to work against it. We need heroes like Boo Radley to come out of the dark and help us grow our society. Tolerance is still something we have a large issue with today, just as in the novel. This book is filled with good examples of stereotypes, and what must be done to counter them. To Kill a Mockingbird should be read by all and used as a guidebook to stereotypes even in our world today. Even though inequality is not as popular back then it still is just as bad. Our world and society today still treat people unequally it can be for their color, morals or