Cal teaches Scout about the other side of Maycomb (the blacks) which she would have never known about if it was not for Cal. When Walter Cunningham was invited to eat at the Finch home, Scout always held a bit of contempt against him for his coarse manners, his poverty and his ignorance he had. Since he was demonstrating all these behaviors when he was invited to lunch, Scout made fun of him. Immediately Calpurnia got onto her and demanded that she treated Little Cunningham with the respect that is owed to a guest, and that Scout better not downgrade a person for their current position in life. Cal teaches Scout that the town of Maycomb is a very separated town (between the blacks and the …show more content…
Scout feels lonely because Dill and Jem are participating in things that she wishes not to do. Miss Maudie is able to tell the children certain things that Atticus Finch maynot have been able to tell the children. Scout has a lot of questions in the book and Scout knows that she can go to Miss Maudie and get a direct answer. Miss Maudie is a very sincere, caring woman who always tells Scout and Jem the truth and never treats them like children by talking down to them. She's able to tell them things that Calpurnia, as a black woman, couldn't discuss with them. She helps them to understand Atticus a great person, and that she is a positive impact on their lives. Atticus Finch is Scout's father. He sets good examples and high standards for his children. He teaches the children to treat everyone fairly and to respect them as a individuals and not to judge them. These people include Boo Radley, Aunt Alexandra, Calpurnia, Walter Cunningham, Mrs. Dubose, Uncle Jack, Mr. Dolphus Raymond, Mr. Cunningham, Tom Robinson and his family, and even Bob Ewell and Mayella as well as all the other members of the Maycomb