them. She is devoted to her faith and has a strong sense of community within the church. The children also learn more about the Tom Robinson case. They learn that he is innocent and did not rape anyone as he is being accused of this crime. This teaches them that their father is friendly with the black community. He is willing to not judge them due to their skin color and will be willing to defend them, even if it means shame to the family. We, as readers, learn that the relationship between the black and white community is very tense. This is shown when Scout and Jem enter the church. When they first walk in, instead of being greeted, they are told to leave and that they are not welcome by the fellow church-goers. The consequences of the children’s appearance in Cal’s church could entail shame and mockery from the other white families. They may accuse them of loving black people and in the racist deep south, this was not something anyone desired to be called. When Aunt Alexandra comes to visit Maycomb for “a while”, it is stated that she is only visiting to help the family in this tough time of Tom Robinson’s trial. I believe that her motivation actually was Scout. She does not agree wit Scout’s Tomboy ways and instead, would like to make Scout a prim and proper lady. I believe that the effect Aunt Alexandra will have on the family will be that they start to distance themselves from each other more. I believe this because if Aunt Alexandra has any success with making Scout a more proper lady, then Scout will not play with Jem as much. Since Scout would no longer play with Jem, they would grow apart due to having nothing in common. Atticus might also be distanced from his children as he will spend most of his time working for Tom Robinson on the trial. This however, is unlikely in my opinion as Scout seems to completely refuse with Aunt Alexandra over what a lady should do. “You just hold your head high and keep those fists down.
No matter what anybody says to you, don’t you let ‘em get your goat. Try fighting with your head for a change.” (Lee 101) This is a quote mentioned by Atticus. This quote was mentioned when the Finch family was being made fn of due to Atticus’ defense of Tom Robinson. He told Scout that no matter what people say, because they are going to say some mean things, that Scout should not let it affect her. She should use her head and not her fists. I chose this quote because it is helpful to everyone. There are going to be times where people will make fun of you. However, you cannot let this get to you, as you know what is best for you. Atticus is not willing to let this get to him, and neither should anyone